G4S – PRE-BOARD SCREENING PERSONNEL LOCAL LODGE 16 – VANCOUVER – “If you are unsure, it is better to bag-out”

“If you are unsure, it is better to bag-out”

May 5, 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As you are aware CATSA conducts infiltration exercises on a regularly bases. Generally if you fail to identify the concealed item during the test you receive a CATSA Performing Event Report (PER) Recently the employer has started to issue verbal warnings to individuals who have failed such exercises. This is a change in the workplace and not supported by the Union. Accordingly if you feel you have been unjustly disciplined you should ask the attending Shop Steward to file a grievance on your behalf. You should demand to see all of the documentation, evidence, or particulars relied upon by the company in their determination to discipline. On a recent verbal warning the employer stated the following: ” We ask that going forward that you provide us your full attention and due diligence while working as a Screening Officer. If you are unsure, it is better to bag-out. Going forward, you will comply with all policies and procedures as per the expectations and training provided to you” We would ask that you follow the employers’ expectations and completely follow the entire SOP. Your job is to ensure that critical elements of air transportation are secured.search

Guide yourself accordingly, if you are unsure, it is better to bag-out.


In Solidarity,


Chris Thompson

Chief Shop Steward
