Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Employees are entitled to annual vacation with pay, based on their
continuous service and their gross earnings in the preceding year in
accordance with Clause 18.01.
Clause 18.04 provides that all employees shall receive their outstanding
vacation pay by separate deposit on the second regular pay day in February
each year, calculated up to the end of the preceding calendar year.
For example, you earn vacation in 2011, to be taken in 2012. Any 2011
accrued entitlement not taken in 2012 is calculated at December 31, 2012
and paid out automatically on the 2nd pay day in February 2013.
G4S will pay those employees who have outstanding vacation pay
entitlement accrued during the period of November 1, 2011 to December 31,
2011, that was not taken in 2012, on a separate deposit on February 22, 2013.
A communication from G4S has been issued confirming the deposit date.
In Solidarity,
Tania Canniff, General Chairperson
Transportation District 140, IAM & AW–-CLAUSE-18.04-FEB-15-132.pdf