Reminder: 25 November 2011 – UN Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Dear Colleagues,

The 25th of November is an important day for ITF affiliates worldwide. It marks the day that the ITF family campaigns for the elimination of violence against women. The message for this year’s campaign is simple, yet will resonate with women transport workers and their unions across the globe: ‘Break the Silence, Union Action to Stop Violence’.

Why are we doing this? (” target=”_blank)

Violence perpetrated at work or in the home, continues to be a major issue for women transport workers world wide. Over the last few years more affiliates have reported to the ITF incidents of physical, emotional and sexual violence against women members than ever before. UN research shows that one in three women suffer from violence during their lives. Unions and union members can implement strategies to work towards eliminating violence against women.

THIS YEAR’S CAMPAIGN: Break the Silence, Union Action to Stop Violence
(” target=”_blank)
Breaking the silence and speaking out about violence against women is the first step in recognizing and raising awareness about this issue. What needs to follow is strategic and coordinated union action – activities, collective bargaining outcomes, union and workplace policies and procedures, support networks, facilities for women, appointing Women’s Officers, creating Women’s Committees and networks and many other actions. Transport unions across the globe have and continue to respond to this issue. It is a collective union responsibility, that requires a collective union response.

What can you and your union do?

(” target=”_blank) ORGANISE AN ACTIVITY (” target=”_blank) : When you fill out the order form for campaign materials, please let us know what activities you have planned for 25 November. As in previous years, we will highlight your events on the ITF website.

( ORDER CAMPAIGN MATERIALS ( : This year we have a brand new campaign slogan, posters, stickers and ribbons.

VISIT THE CAMPAIGN WEBSITE (” target=”_blank)  at (” target=”_blank)

SEND US YOUR PHOTOS & VIDEOS (” target=”_blank) : After 25 November, please make sure you send through photos and/or videos from your campaign activity so that we can add them to the website. (” target=”_blank)

Thank you in advance for your participation in the campaign this year and good luck with your activities.

In solidarity

Alison McGarry
ITF Women Transport Workers Coordinator