Dear Brothers and Sisters:
If you are asked by the Company to provide a written statement as part of a Company investigation, you should immediately ask for a Shop Steward as your representative.
The Union’s position is that you are not required to provide any written statement to the Company. By providing a written statement you could self incriminate yourself. The Company has been using written statements provided by employees as the foundation for discipline.
Prior to any investigative meeting the employee and the Shop Steward should be advised in advance as to the nature of the matter giving rise to the meeting.
You are entitled to have a Shop Steward present in any meeting that you may reasonably believe could lead to discipline to you or any other Member.
You should answer all questions from the Company truthfully and in the presence of a Shop Steward.
Please guide yourself accordingly and work safe,
In Solidarity,
Tania Canniff, General Chairperson Paul Penman, General Chairperson
Transportation District 140, IAMAW Transportation District 140, IAMAW