BC FED – can you help?

BC Federation of Labour
Thank you for being part of our team!

We can’t do what we do without our amazing supporters, and we want to make sure each and every one of you knows how much we appreciate your commitment to making British Columbia the best province it can be.

That’s why we’re asking your advice on what’s ahead, by telling us how we’ve done so far.

Take this two minute poll, and let us know how our Future for All campaign resonated with you.

We still have much to do. We made sure our newly elected officials heard us loud and clear while they were campaigning — now it’s time to work with them to ensure we get results for people.

But to do that, we need to know how our campaign for a Future for All worked for you over the past few weeks.

Help us make our voice heard by sharing yours.


Thank you,


Sussanne Skidmore
Secretary Treasurer
BC Federation of Labour