BC NDP News – Investing in recovery and safety for a #BetterBC

Investing in recovery and safety for a #BetterBC


Building a #BetterBC
A recovery plan for everyone

COVID-19 is still with us but people and businesses are working hard to get our province back on track. And record investments in the services we all count on have allowed your BC NDP government to keep people safe and put BC’s economy in a strong position to recover.

This week, John Horgan announced StrongerBC – a comprehensive plan that will make sure BC’s recovery benefits everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected. Together, we’ll strengthen healthcare, create good jobs for people, and help businesses come back stronger.

We know the recovery won’t come overnight – but if we all keep working together, we can ensure our people, economy, and healthcare system are never again so dramatically impacted. Show your support for a plan that will grow a stronger BC for everyone: add your name today!

Investing in your safety

From day one, British Columbians have stepped up to face the challenge of COVID-19. As our province heads into fall, it’s time for us all to recommit to stopping the spread.

John Horgan’s government is leading the way with a $1.6 billion preparedness plan that will turbo-charge our efforts to protect people across BC – especially the most vulnerable.

The plan includes measures to ensure more British Columbians than ever get a flu vaccine, and will recruit an estimated 7,000 new healthcare workers.

Stay healthy in wildfire season

BC has an average of 1,600 wildfires every year. While many burn in remote areas away from people, the health risk posed by wildfires is increasing, partly due to climate change.

Because keeping people safe is our top priority, your BC NDP government is providing detailed, practical advice on how to stay healthy during wildfire season.

Visit the Province of British Columbia website today to learn how you can protect your family’s physical and mental health if your community is impacted by wildfire smoke.

Have you taken our survey?

BC is six months into an unprecedented pandemic. And as our province heads into fall, we want to know: how are you doing?

This week, thousands of New Democrats have let us know how they’re doing by filling out our End-of-Summer Survey.

It’s not too late to tell us what you need this fall. Our eight-question End-of-Summer Survey is open until midnight on Sunday – so, have your say this weekend.

Leading the way in cancer screening

The importance of investing in healthcare has never been clearer. As we all deal with the challenges of COVID-19, our government is strengthening healthcare infrastructure across the board. This week, John Horgan and Health Minister Adrian Dix announced that BC is launching Canada’s first lung cancer screening program.

Minister Dix: “Through early detection with this new lung cancer screening program, we will see survival rates dramatically improve. Similar to our other cancer screening programs, British Columbia is leading the way.”

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