BC NDP News – Taking on tough challenges for a #BetterBC

Taking on tough challenges for a #BetterBC

Building a #BetterBC
Making ICBC work for people

For many years, the BC Liberal government treated ICBC like an ATM while the rest of us paid the price with higher premiums.

This week, our government tabled legislation to make sure that never happens again, and future surpluses are used to make auto insurance rates more affordable.

Supporting survivors of domestic abuse

People who’ve experienced domestic or sexual violence shouldn’t have to lose pay cheques dealing with the aftermath.

On Tuesday, your BC NDP Government introduced legislation to provide up to five days of paid leave for people impacted by this kind of violence. These changes will help people attend medical appointments, find new housing, and keep themselves and their kids safe.

Watch and share a video that shows why this initiative is so important to survivors across our province.

Keeping healthy through cold season

It’s cold and flu season!

While your risk of catching novel coronavirus remains low, our BC NDP Health Minister Adrian Dix and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry offered a friendly reminder to wash your hands often, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and stay home if you’re sick.

“Wash your hands like you’ve been chopping jalapenos and you need to change your contacts,” said Dr. Henry.

Get the latest, most accurate information from the BCCDC.

Wet'suwet'en rights and title

Through respectful dialogue, progress has been made on difficult and complicated issues around the rights and title of the Wet’suwet’en people.

Over three days, respectful, frank, and substantive discussions led to a proposed agreement last weekend. The Hereditary Chiefs are bringing this milestone agreement to the Wet’suwet’en people.

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New Democratic Party of British Columbia
#320 – 34 West 7th Ave
Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1L6