Local Lodge Trustee
Dear Members,
Due to personal reasons Sister Millice Wong has resigned from her position as Local Lodge trustee. We would like to thank her for all her hard work on the executive board, and for the work she continues to do for the membership.
In accordance with Article 2 section E
Any vacancy occurring in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President for the remainder of the term of office.
All other vacancies of office between elections covering Local Lodge Officers, ExecutiveBoard members and Delegates, where the remaining term exceeds one (1) year, shall befilled by temporary appointment by the President of the Lodge with the approval of theExecutive Board. Such temporary appointments shall be for such period as is reasonablerequired to bring about the election of a successor in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws and the IAM Constitution. Where the remaining term is less than one (1) year, the temporary appointment shall be for the duration of term
The executive board has decided to appoint Clement Nunes as he was the member with the next highest amount of votes for trustee to fill the vacancy as Local Lodge trustee. His term shall expire January 1st 2020.
Please join me in congratulating brother Nunes on his appointment
Rick Singh
I.A.M.A.W LL16