New directions for Local 16

As we all know, there are many changes happening in our workplace. Your Executive Board would like to inform you of some recent changes while we are in the process of making a smooth transition to the new employer — G4S.

Tania Canniff and your Local Executive Board will now be leading us in this important change. This change is immediate!

As we approach the change of employers, it will be important to share as much information as possible. We are all looking forward to negotiating a new contract and need your support to put our Negotiating Team in a better position.

If you have any questions, please phone us or email. Protect yourself and your contract. Talk to us BEFORE you sign anything that may endanger your job security, your service, your seniority and your BENEFITS.

In solidarity,

Tania Canniff,
General Chairperson, IAM District 140
Phone: (604) 303-0461
This Shield #100