Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Your elected Negotiations Committee from throughout the Region met in Vancouver the week of October 16 – 20, 2017 and November 14 – 17, 2017 to continue preparations for Collective Bargaining with G4S Secure Solutions Ltd.
The results of the Membership Bargaining Survey were reviewed and the Committee engaged in an in-depth discussion of the Membership’s concerns, which will serve to form the Union’s Bargaining Agenda.
We will be engaging in coordinated Bargaining initiatives with our sister Screening Officer Local 2921 in Toronto and other Bargaining Units across Canada, represented by both the IAMAW and the Steelworkers, on common Screening Officer issues and concerns.
In the Membership Bargaining Survey, Members indicated that their most preferred method of communication from the Negotiations Committee is through email. The Committee Communicator, John Vincent is building upon our group email account from the last round of Collective Bargaining in order to provide the Membership with timely accurate updates from the Committee. If you wish to receive these updates, please provide your email address to
Together, standing strong as one Union and speaking with one loud voice, we can improve our standard of living.
Remember to always work safe.
In Solidarity,
Tania Canniff, General Chairperson Todd Haverstock, General Chairperson
Transportation District 140, IAMAW Transportation District 140, IAMAW