SECURE AVIATION TRANSPORT LOCAL LODGE 16 – 2017 Local Lodge 16 Executive Board

2017 Local Lodge 16 Executive Board

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The Executive Board of Local Lodge 16 would like to extend their gratitude to all the members, who continue to participate and contribute to the progress of Local Lodge 16. January 2017 saw the election of a New Executive Board with new leadership objectives. We recognize that it is important to consider the undertakings from the last Executive Board and earnestly applaud the efforts that were made.  We also recognize the importance of learning from past mistakes in order to strengthen and inspire our union members.

The New Executive Board hopes to continue to build solidarity and unity in the workplace and community for the enrichment of Local Lodge 16 members.   We sincerely appreciate your involvement and encourage all the members of Local Lodge 16 to fight the good fight.

In solidarity,                                                                                         

Daniel Zamorano, Recording Secretary IAM & AW