SECURE AVIATION TRANSPORT LOCAL LODGE 16 – Message from Vice President (LL 16)

Message from Vice President

(LL 16)

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

I would like to thank the membership for taking the time to vote and be a part of the Unions democratic electoral process. I am proud and content to be a part of the Executive Board and serve as Vice President.

I appreciate the opportunity and will do my best to fulfill my responsibilities and exceed expectations. I am here to work and serve the membership to achieve common goals. I welcome members to express their views, opinions and concerns for the betterment of the local lodge as a whole so that my voice is your voice.

I’m providing my contact information:

Please contact me with any concerns you may want addressed. I am here to guide the membership in the proper direction and be a part of the decision making process.

The people united will never be defeated.

In solidarity,

Your Vice President.


John Vincent

Vice President / Communicator, IAMAW Local Lodge 16