Political Action – FEDERAL ELECTION



Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Make the Pledge to Vote. It is imperative that we make an informed decision, when it comes to our future in Canada.

Political Action Committee currently consists of 7 members:

Brother Rick Singh                                         Brother John Vincent

Brother Neil Chia                                           Brother Lester Lavers

Brother Yovan Ramyead                                Brother Jorge Morales

Brother Leonidas Kokkinis

Over the next several months we will be out talking to members in the workplace. With the Federal Election coming in October it is imperative that we educate ourselves with the issues that affect us all as Federally Regulated workers.  We need to make an informed decision when it comes time to vote.

There is a better choice!

We need your help! The PAC is reaching out to the members of Local Lodge 16 for volunteers who would like to help in getting important messages across to the membership and making a pledge to vote. Our livelihood depends on the outcome of this Federal Election.

For more information please feel free to talk to any of the PAC members, email the PAC at ll16pac@iamaw16.ca

In Solidarity,

Your Local Lodge PAC
