BC FED – Labour Day 2015

Labour Day 2015

Planning is well underway for Labour Day festivities in Vancouver on Monday, September 7, 2015 between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm.bcfed130

The Labour Day Picnic for the Metro Vancouver Area will be at Swanguard Stadium again this year, where bbq’s will be pre-heated and ready for picnic lunches at 11:30 am.

There will also be games and activities for children, live performances and union information tables with give-away items, displays and literature.

We are asking for a donation to cover the costs involved in providing a great event for union members. This year’s costs are expected to be $18,340.00. Please make cheques payable to “BC Federation of Labour” with Labour Day in the subject line. You are invited to plan on setting up an information table for your union, and watch for additional details.

This event is co-sponsored by the BC Federation of Labour, the Vancouver & District Labour Council and the New Westminster District Labour Council.
