Minimum Wage Isn’t What’s Ailing Struggling Families
Letter to the Editor Via Email:
Vancouver Sun
#1 – 200 Granville Street Vancouver BC V6C 3N3
RE: Minimum Wage Isn’t What’s Ailing Struggling Families
Poverty is complicated, and there is no doubt that BC needs a comprehensive poverty reduction strategy to tackle the growing inequality in our province.
There is also no doubt that a meaningful increase to the minimum wage must be part of this strategy.
There are currently more than 500,000 people in BC earning less than $15/hr. That is a quarter of our province’s working population. They come from all demographics and all living situations. And, they are all earning a wage that keeps them in poverty.
The Fraser Institute tries to dismiss these people, making the questionable claim that minimum wage jobs are temporary and temporary poverty is acceptable.
I don’t believe poverty is ever acceptable, and neither do the 78% of British Columbians who agree that the minimum wage should put a full-time earner above the poverty line.
I will agree with the Fraser Institute on one thing – increasing the minimum wage alone will not solve poverty. But, there is no one magic bullet solution. We need a series of policy changes, and increasing the minimum wage to $15/hr is one of them.
Irene Lanzinger
President, BC Federation of Labour