General voting for the B.C. General Election will held be one week from today on Tuesday, May 14 th , 2013 from 08:00 to 20:00 .
You should have already received a voter identification card in the mail from Elections B.C. That card will tell you the location of your voting place on Election Day and the alternate location(s) for advanced voting. Advanced voting will be held in every provincial electoral district during the next 4 days:
Date: Wednesday, May 8th
Thursday, May 9th
Friday, May 10th
Saturday, May 11th
Time: 08:00 to 20:00
All voter information and the voting places for all electoral districts can be found by calling Elections B.C. at 1-800-661-8683 or online at
You should bring your voter identification card and photo ID with you to your voting place when you vote. If you do not have a voter identification card or are not on the voters list for your electoral district, you can still vote. You will be required to bring two (2) pieces of ID, one of which must be a photo ID and at least one of which must contain your address. They will also accept a Hydro bill as proof of your residential address.
It is your right. It is your privilege. It is your duty as a citizen. It is your obligation to your family and your children to elect a government that will work for you and for them. Please do not waste the democratic freedom that we take for granted without so much as a second thought. Please make sure that you take the time and the effort to vote. Please make sure that every eligible voter in your house goes with you to vote.
We urge each and every member of Local Lodge 16 to cast your ballot for the candidate of your choice in this election. We also encourage our members to take advantage of the advanced voting dates and times to avoid the line ups at the polls on Election Day and to vote a the time of your convenience.Regardless of when you decide to vote, PLEASE make sure that you vote and make your voice heard.
Every single vote matters.
Rick Singh, President John Vincent, Communicator
Local Lodge 16, IAM & AW Local Lodge 16, IAM & AW