Here is why we must do everything in our power to mobilize our members to actively vote the Harper Conservatives out of power this year. Coming soon to a Country near you if we don’t. From the latest iMail –>
First Salvos of New GOP Congress: Social Security, Disability Benefits
Thu. January 08, 2015vote

The GOP-controlled House of Representatives have their sights set on Social Security and disability benefits as their first order of business. Soon after this week’s convening of the 114th Congress, members approved a rule that would force both programs into insolvency.

Since 1968, Congress has allowed the periodic reallocation of Social Security payroll tax income to cover the cost of benefits from the disability trust fund and vice versa. The reallocations were projected to keep both programs solvent until 2033. But, this week’s procedural rule prevents the routine reallocation unless it’s accompanied by benefit cuts or tax increases.

Without the reallocation, the disability trust fund could run dry as early as next year and benefits for 11 million beneficiaries would have to be cut 20 percent, say some economists.

“It is hard to believe that there is any purpose to this unprecedented change to House rules other than to cut benefits for Americans who have worked hard all their lives,” said Max Richtman from the Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
Harper has set his sights on Medicare in this country in addition to pensions and disability benefits. He set the defunding of Medicare in place in December 2011 with a mundane procedural process. He simply is refusing to renegotiate the Medicare funding with the provinces which serves to freeze funding at those established levels.

The end result? Provinces will be faced with making significant reductions in Medicare coverage or raising provincial taxes to cover the shortfall starting in 2017.

The Conservatives’ ideological reason for this is to force provinces and citizens to accept for profit health care providers who will swoop in and offer to offload this unfunded demand from the provinces.

While the fact that he is Evil is beyond dispute, Harper’s real genius is his ability to enact his agenda to reshape Canadian society and values through mundane “routine” procedures that go unnoticed by citizens and largely ignored by the media. Can you say “Omnibus budget Bills and Fair Election Act boys and girls?”